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    I am a yoga teacher and therapist

    empowering people to find

    balance, by sharing practices

    and perspectives that contain

    the power to change lives.

    Daryn’s Yoga Shala is a space to learn and practice Yoga in the tradition of Sri T. Krishnamacharya and TKV Desikachar. Through studio classes, one-2-one sessions, courses and retreats, a variety of practices are offered to support and heal body and mind.

    Through therapeutic practices that centralise the of importance of the breath grounded in ancient yoga philosophy we find a meaningful and profound path to restoring balance and connection to our innate sense of peace.
    Home: Classes

    A Little About Me

    I started yoga to help heal a bad back and it ended up supporting me in ways that I could never have imagined. Before I knew it I was practicing everyday and slowly finding more balance in my life.


    All the classes I teach, whether they be one-to-one or group sessions, are aimed at helping students to find balance physically and mentally as
    well as learning how to live more mindfully

    Yoga Therapy

    When applied to the individual, yoga has the power to address a range of health issues at the physical and
    psychological level. It's power and scope to assist with healing is tremendous.

    Join my newsletter and you'll receive a free practice video to help calm your mind at the end of a busy day...In addition to that you'll receive news on classes, workshops and retreats.

    Thanks for submitting!


    Movement, Breath & Meditation
    WEDS 22ND MAY 2024

    Come and join a gentle and soothing evening class from the comfort of your own space.

    “The success of yoga does not lie in the ability to perform postures but in how it positively changes the way we live our life.”


    TKV Desikachar

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